

HistoryThe idea of holding a Celtic Festival came to frutition during the early seventies. A committe was formed in Killarney to discuss the idea of possibly organising a Festival during Spring. Many motions were put forward including a Celtic occasion from Con O'Connaill. They chose "Gwyl Gerdd Bach" ( The Composer) a "Small Music Festival". Con decided to organise a festival on his own.

It was May 1971 when the first Celtic Festival was held. "The Pan Celtic Festival". The only performers outside of Ireland were two from Wales( Meredydd and Phyllis Evans) and four from Britanny ( The Les Tregerez Group and Alan Stivell).

After a suggestion by Maredydd Evans following the 1971 Festival Con O'Connaill came over to the National Eisteddfod to establish contacts. After this he visited the other Celtic Nations and established contacts in every one, and it was these contacts which formed the nucleus of the committee. Therefore representatives from Scotland, Ireland, Britanny, Isle of Man, Wales and Cornwall came over to take part in the 1972 Festival.

During the 1972 Pan Celtic Festival a meeting was held where a structure was decided upon and Con O'Connaill was asked to produce a draft of the constitution and sent to everyone to study and to work on the draft before the 1973 Festival.

The constition was adopted in a meeting during the 1972 Festival. Soon afterwards six National Committees were established representing the interests of the countries.

The festival was held in Killarney until 1990 when it was decided to change location since the support was beginning to ebb. The Festival was held in Galway (1991- 1994) Tralee (1995 -1996) Ennis ( 1997) and then returned to Tralee (1998 - 2000), it wasn't possible to hold the Festival in 2001 because of the foot and mouth outbreak. It was held in Kilkenny (2002- 2003),Tralee(2004-2005) Letterkenny (2006-2007) and Donegal Town ( 2008-2009)

The main objective of the Festival according to the constitution of the Pan Celtic Festival is to promote and to foster the languages,music,the songs,and Celtic Games and to urge the interaction of cultures, knowledge and tourism in the countries of Scotland, Wales, Ireland,Cornwall Britanny and the Isle of Man.

1979 Mona Douglas Mannin
1980 Polig Monjarret Breizh
1981 Dave Crewes Kernow
1982 Donnchadha Ó Súilleabháin Éire
1983 Dolina MacLennon Alba
1984 Tegwyn Williams Cymru
1985 Graham Beechcroft Kernow
1986 Polig Monjarret Breizh
1987 Willie Lanigan Éire
1988 Flora MacNeil Alba
1989 Delwyn Phillips Cymru
1990 Dave Collister Mannin
1991 Pat Crewes Kernow
1992 Polig Monjarret Breizh
1993 Eibhlín Ní Chathalriabhaigh Éire
1994 Eibhlín Ní Chathalriabhaigh Éire
1995 Archibald Kennedy Alba
1996 Berwyn Williams Cymru
1997 Paul Travenna Kernow
1998 Roisín Ní Shé Éire
1999 Brian Stowel Mannin
2000 Maldwyn Parry Cymru
2001 Archibald Kennedy Alba
2002 Archibald Kennedy Alba
2003 Caitlín Ní Chaoimháinigh Éire
2004 John Bolitho Kernow
2005 Bobbie Evans Cymru
2006 John A. Maclver Alba
2007 Fiona McArdle Mannin
2008 Liam Ó Maolaodha Éire
2009 John A. Maclver Alba
2010 Emyr Wyn Thomas
2011 Murdo Morrison Alba
2012 Margaret Bird Ynys Manaw
2013 Seán Ó Sé Éire
2014 Dave Crewes Kernow
2015 Arwel Roberts Cymru
2016 John A MacIver Alba
2017 Yann-Yvon Dodeur Breizh
2018 Clare Kilgallon Mannin
2019 Bláthnaid ÓBrádaigh Éire
1971 Scoil na Toirbhirte Éire Tomás MacCurtain
1972 Na h-Oganaigh Alba Mi is M'Uilinn
1973 Margaret O'Brein Éire Goirm Thú
1974 Joint winner: Iris Williams Cymru Cymru Rydd
  Joint winner:McMurrough Éire Cuain Baile 'na Cuairte
1975 Bran Cymru Caled Fwlch
1976 Mary Sandeman Alba Thoir dhom do Lamh
1977 Kyaalldan Breizh Breizh
1978 Gouelia Breizh Korn-Bout
1979 Margaret MacLeod Alba An Lon Dubh
1980 Dermot O'Brien Éire Neansaí
1981 Kathleen MacDonald Alba Oran do Cheit
1982 Bando Cymru Nid Llwynog Oedd Yr Haul
1983 Mary MacInnis Alba Man Aonar le no Smuaintean
1984 Ragamuffin Kernow Ar Wrannen
1985 Capercaillie Alba Urnuigh a Bhan Thigreach
1986 Kristen Nicolas Breizh Gwerz Maro Paotr Anst
1987 Eryr Wen Cymru Gloria Tyrd Adre
1988 Manon Llwyd Cymru Cân Wini
1989 Hefin Huws Cymru Twll Triongl
1990 Christine Kennedy Alba 'M' londrainn air Chuairt
1991 Philip Knight Kernow "Dolly"
1992 Gerróid O'Murchú Éire Soilse geala na cathrach
1993 Liam Ó hUaithne Éire An Pobal Scaipthe
1994 Geraint Griffiths Cymru Rhyw Ddydd
1995 Gwenda Owen Cymru Cân I'r Ynys Werdd
1996 West/Group Kernow An Arvair
1997 Art Ó Dufaigh/Sean Ó hEanaí Éire Comhartha an Ghaoil
1998 Arwel Wyn Roberts Cymru Rho dy Law
1999 Per Nod Cymru Torri'n Rhydd
2000 Rachael Cans tir Kemmyn Kernow Tir Kemmyn
2001 Gainor Haf Cymru Dagrau Ddoe
2002 Elin Flur a'r Moniars Cymru Harbwr Diogel
2003 Treiz Noath Kernow Mor Menta Sewia
2004 Kentyon Bew Kernow Treusporthys
2005 Krena Kernow Fordh Dhe Dalvann
2006 Gealbrí Éire Seolfaidh Me Abhaile
2007 Deirdre Níi Chinnéide le Fraoch Éire Ta me caillte go deo
2008 Aled Myrddin Cymru Atgofion
2009 Elfed Morris Cymru Boddi mae ngofidiau
2010 Ceòl 'S Craic Alba Sùilean Soilleir Ghorm
2011 Ynyr Roberts & Brigyn Cymru Rhywun Yn Rhywle
2012 Mordid Bewnans Kernow Benjad
2013 Benjad Kernow BretanVyhan.
2014 Shenn Scoill Mannin Tayrn Mee Thie
2015 An Stevel Dreylya Kernow Hal – An – Tow
2016 Cordia Cymru Dun ond Un
2017 Emer Ní Fhlaithearta Éire Taibhse
2018 P adraig Seoighe & Niall Teague Éire Ar Saoire